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Values and Ethos

At Annesley Primary School we are proud that we are...


 Our school  vision is: ‘Achieving Together’, where everyone is encouraged to love learning and achieve their best’. We are an inclusive school where every child is valued. We will endeavour to inspire all children to enjoy their learning experiences and make the best progress that they can. Whilst understanding the importance of ensuring that all of our children make the best academic progress, we are also committed to developing the wider skills and talents that our children possess. We felt that our core values did not reflect this clearly, so we have been working together with the children, governors and all of the staff at school.  We truly believe this has allowed us to develop more understandable values for the children.  These values will be in everything that we do, say and achieve at Annesley Primary and Nursery School. We started by looking at our school logo to find some inspiration... and we did! The teddy bear is a large part of our logo and we thought this was an excellent start.  We shared thoughts and ideas about what we wanted children from Annesley Primary School to aspire to.  These aspirations then helped us to develop a name for our Annesley Bear.  This is Archie,  each of the letters in this name spell out one of our core values.  


Archie will help us to develop the school's ethos even further, so that we are all...





We will ‘Achieve with Archie’, if we are:

  • Ambitious - encouraging children to have aspirations and have ambitions to ‘dream the big dream’. To try, try and try again, even when things are challenging.
  • Resilient - we keep going even if the going gets tough
  • Confident - preparing our children for a world which is changing every day, to tackle new things with confidence.
  • Honest - telling the truth, to say what we mean and do what we say we are going to do.
  • Independent - foster a love of learning and promote independence and encourage questioning.
  • Equal - celebrate the difference and individuality of others.