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Spring 2

Our topic this half term is called 'Healthy Me'

This half term we will learn about growing, life cyces and being healthy. We will base our learning around a different book each week.

Week 1 - The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

Week 2 - Jasper's Beanstalk by Nick Inkpen

Week 3 - Roots, stems, leaves and flowers by Ruth Owen

Week 4 - Oliver's Vegetables by Vivian French

Week 5 - The teeny tadpole by Sheridan Cain

Week 6 - We're going on an egg hunt by Laura Hughes

W/C 25/3/24 - We're going on an egg hunt

This week we had our Easter bonnet parade! Our bonnets were amazing!! We also had a special visit from the Easter bunny!

W/C 18/3/24 - The teeny tadpole

This week we found out about the life cycle of a tadpole. We practised cutting and sticking the different stages in the correct order. 

W/C 11/3/24 - Oliver's vegetables

This week we tasted some yummy vegetable soup! We have been exploring our new dressing up area and practised our name writing. 

W/C 4/3/24 - Roots, stems, leaves and flowers

This week we looked at the different parts of a plant. We drew and labelled our own flower together!

W/C 26/2/24 - Jasper's Beanstalk

This week we have planted our own seeds - we can't wait to watch them grow. We also had some yummy beans on toast during our baking activity. 

W/C 19/2/24 - The Tiny Seed

This week we looked at 'The Tiny Seed'. We made our own flowers and spoke about the flowers petals, stem and roots. We also practised our name writing this week and made some healthy fruit salads during our baking activity.