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Spring 2

Our topic this half term is called 'Healthy Me'

We will learn about Spring changes, growing and life cyces and being healthy. We will base our learning around a different book each week.


Week 1 - The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle

Week 2 - Jasper's Beanstalk by Nick Inkpen

Week 3 - Roots, stems, leaves and flowers by Ruth Owen

Week 4 - Oliver's Vegetables byVivian French

Week 5 - The teeny tadpole by Sheridan Cain

Week 6 - Going on an egg hunt by Laura Hughes


Week 1 - the tiny seed

We enjoyed reading this book and learning about the journey of a seed. We had a go at planting our own giant sunflowers. Whose will grow the tallest? 

Week 2 w/c 25.02.24 Jasper's beanstalk. This week we planted beanstalks into plastic bags so we can see the roots grow. We looked at the life cycle of a beanstalk and watched our sunflowers getting bigger and bigger!

Week 3 w/c 04.03.24 Roots. stems, leaves and flowers. We enjoyed this fact book and learnt about the different parts of a plant.

This week was also World Book Day and we enjoyed dressing up and sharing stories.

W/C 11.03.24 This week we enjoyed our story Oliver's vegetables and learning about healthy eating. We made our own vegetable soup which was delicious.

Week 5 The teeny weeny tadpole.

This week we have learnt about the life cycle of a frog. In maths we have been doubling.

Week 6 - Going on an egg hunt

This week we really enjoyed our Easter Bonnet parade and performing our Easter songs to the grown-ups.