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Good work

Well done for this term goes to......

8.9.23 - Billie Barker- Billie you have been amazing this week, always giving 200%  and always wanting to improve. It has been a pleasure to teach you this week and I know you will continue to shine. Well done.

15.9.23  - Arthur Taft- We were brave or slightly mad and attempted our first write this week based around our book 'Bears at Night'. You have written some fantastic sentences and used the hand check to make sure you had everything. Well done and keep it up.

22.9.23 - Joey Barker-Welcome to Super Joey, you have had an amazing week and produced some amazing writing. Well done Joey, keep showing how amazing your work is. Well done.

29.9.23-Kutenda Kandemiri- Kutenda, you are a geographical wiz-kid, there is no fooling you. You know lots of countries and where they are in the world. Well done!

06.9.23 - Willow Cohen - You have been amazing this week, and you have really tried to work hard on your writing. You have also been great in math. Keep it up, you are really starting to shine.

15/12/23- Freddie Irwin - King Freddie. Not only did you provide the most regal performance in the play, but you always bring a smile to my face every morning with your infectious smile. You always try your best and want to improve in everything you do. Keep it and and well done!

12/01/24 - Oscar Kirk- What an amazing week, Oscar. You have come back focussed and ready to learn, you have really started to understand the math and I am looking forward to where this term goes. Great work, keep it up.

19/01/24 - Aleeza Wellington- Well done Aleeza, you continue to go about your work in a careful, confident manner, you are working so hard and are always ready to learn. Keep it up, you are having a fantastic year. Well done!

26/01/24- Joey Barker- You have had a great week Joey, excelling in all aspects of the curriculum and being a star when working with Miss Hornsey. I look forward to seeing what you can achieve this term, I know it will be exciting. Well done!

02/02/24 - Lucas Leonard- Wow Lucas what a week, you have been focussed and has worked really hard. I love this new attitude, keep it up. Well done!

22/02/24- Mollie Wright-Mollie, you thoroughly deserve good work this week, you have been focussed, hard-working and have been amazing with your reading. Well done and keep it up.

29/02/24-Oscar Kirk-Oscar, although I only saw you for two days all the teachers said that you worked hard in all aspects of school. You looked great as a King. Well done!

08/03/2024-Jake Cater-Jake, you are the scientist of the week, you have been amazing in our staying healthy topic and have been a font of knowledge. Great work and keep it up.

15/03/2024 -Harry Smith-Harry, you have had a great week and have really started to shine in math. You are growing in confidence and are showing what a good and consistent mathematician you are. Well done and keep it up.

22/03/24-Milo Pearson-Milo, you have had an amazing week, you have been focussed and work really hard on your reading and writing. I love the planet that you have created and cannot wait to see and read your description.

19/04/24- Jake Cater-Jake, you are my scientist of the week, you have excelled at our new subject about animals and you are full of lots facts. You can tell me all about, carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Well done and keep working hard.

26/04/24- Jordan Lawrence- Jordan, you have shined this week with your sentences for our setting descriptions. You always include what is needed and are always trying to use ambitious vocabulary. Well done!

03/05/24- Arthur Taft -Arthur, you have had a good week in all aspects of school but especially in literacy, where you have produced a great setting description based around 'The Journey'. I loved reading it and it painted a great visual picture. Well done!

10/05/24 - Quinn Gorewoda- Quinn, you have had an excellent week, we started with you not enjoying math and finding it hard to now excelling at division. You have found something you can do and are loving how that feels. Keep up the good work. Well done!



Golden Book

Autumn 1 - Ariella Watson- Ariella, you have made an amazing start to year 1 and you have become so independent in class, wanting to get involved in lessons and also helping me tell children when they are not listening. Well done!

Autumn 2 - Jordan Lawrence- Jordan, what can I say? Although you do not like the limelight or talking a lot, you have been amazing, you are so meticulous with your work and are always striving for it to be perfect. I am loving your writing and looking forward to seeing what the rest of the year brings. Well done!

             - Freddie Irwin- Wow, King Freddie, what can I say? After a little trepidation at the start of the year, you are starting to shine, you were the regal King Annesley has ever known and you are starting to shine in all aspects of school. Your reading has improved immensely and you always give your all in every lesson. It is a joy to teach you and look forward to seeing what more you can achieve. Well done!

Spring 1- Willow Cohen- Willow, I love having you in my class and you can always tell what mood you are in every morning, your emotions and happiness always show in your bubbly personality, also your sadness on infrequent occasions. Willow, you always give 100% in everything and are not afraid of trying anything new, approaching it with an expectation of excitement and joy. You are extremely inquisitive and are always asking questions, which is great. I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year brings. Well done Willow and keep giving your all.

                 - Oscar Kirk- Oscar, you took a little time to find your feet and settle in, but now you are starting to shine, especially in math. You are working really hard in all aspects of school. Your reading is improving and you  are taking a more active part in every lesson. You always have a cheeky smile. Keep giving your all and I cannot wait to see what you can achieve in the time you are in Year 1. Well done Oscar!

Spring 2- Kutenda Kandemiri- Kutenda, you are a pleasure to teach and are always giving 110%. You are excelling in all aspects of school and your reading and science is exceptional. There is nothing you will not be able to achieve in the future with your drive and attitude. Most importantly is your smile and love of learning, it is contagious and something I look forward to seeing each morning. Well done!