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Take a look at what we've been getting up to this term.......

Our project will be looking at the Romans. We will look at how the British Empire has changed after their influences.  Look at how different products and inventions have changed the way we live. History looks at giving  the children the idea of all about their input and putting it all into context.

W/C 11.12.23 - You should've seen their faces!


W/C 4.12.23 -  Life of a Roman!
W/C 27.11.23 -  Circuit training this week!
W/C 20.11.23 - Maths again with area.
W/C 13.11.23 - Electrifying science this week!


W/C 6.11.23 - DT levers and linkages


W/C 16.10.23 - Maths is fun!

W/C 9.10.23 - Forest School Fun

W/C 2.9.23 - Computing with Purple Mash

W/C 25.9.23 Narrative poetry - The performance

W/C 18.9.23 Narrative poetry - creating an image with role play! 

W/C - 11.9.23  A physical week.

W/C -  4.9.23  The science of Sound