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This term, we are learning about the life of Florence Nightingale. We will be learning about the role of a nurse. We will research hospitals before, during and after Florence nightingale and how Florence has impacted modern hospitals.  

For black history month in October, we will be learning about another famous nurse Mary Seacole. 

Take a look at what we've been getting up to this term.......


  We're Going on a Bear Hunt

This week we have gone on a Bear Hunt adventure so that we can get ideas for our independent writing.

Our Science investigation this week.

In science, we have been looking at materials and seeing if we can identify them.


Week beginning 02/10/2023.


This week we have worked on our writing by drawing around our own giant Mr E and then describing what we thought a giant needs to look like.


Week Beginning 11/12/2023

Not only have we completed an amazing performance on Wednesday, but we have also come to the end of our Florence Nightingale topic. The children ended with a role-play of how Florence changed the way hospitals worked and how she became known as the Lady with the lamp.