Meet the Governors
Welcome to the Governors' Section.
Chair of Governors: Emma Wright
Vice Chair: Eleanor Wilkinson
Chair of Strategic Committee: Vacancy
Chair of Finance: Rebecca Fixter
Complaints Governor: Emma Wright
Governor |
Type of Governor
Declaration of interest |
Term of Office Started |
Term of Office Ends |
Mrs Emma Wright CHAIR |
Co-opted governor |
Nothing to declare |
17 Nov 2023 |
16 Nov 2027 |
Mrs Eleanor Wilkinson VICE-CHAIR |
Parent governor |
Nothing to declare |
Jan 2024 |
Jan 2030 |
Mr Rob Slater |
Headteacher |
Nothing to declare |
Sep 2022 |
Mrs Rebecca Fixter |
Parent governor | Nothing to declare |
Jan 2024 |
Jan 2030 |
Mrs Kelly Cater | Co-opted governor | Nothing to declare | Dec 2024 | Dec 2026 |
Mr Phillip Sprigg | LA governor | Nothing to declare | Feb 2025 | Feb 2027 |
Mr Paul Middleton | Staff governor | Nothing to declare | Sep 2024 | Sep 2026 |
Vacancy | Co-opted governor | |||
Vacancy | Co-opted governor | |||
Annual Paperwork for Governors to Complete can be found below.
A message from Nottinghamshire County Council...
What being a school governor involves
We are looking for people to be school governors in Nottinghamshire. This is a chance to get volunteering experience, learn new skills and make a real difference in your community.
Can you offer (appointment criteria):
- an interest in/knowledge of educational matters
- a commitment to achieving and maintaining excellence
- a commitment to working in partnership with the headteacher and the whole governing body
- a knowledge of the school and/or its catchment area
- a commitment to attend governors’ meetings and other school events
- a commitment to developing an understanding of the school and the roles and responsibilities of the governing body
- a commitment to upholding the principles of those in public life
- the necessary skills and knowledge to undertake the role of a school governor.
Could you (code of conduct):
- support the aims and objectives of a school in the wider community
- work co-operatively with other governors in the best interest of the school
- attend the meetings of the governing body and its committees
- promote the interest of the school in the wider community
- state your views whilst respecting the views of others
- be loyal to the decisions made by the governing body
- respect the confidentiality of those items of business that have been designated as confidential, and not disclose what individuals have said or how they have voted
- participate in training and development.
- follow the Nolan Principles
A school governing body has three main functions:
Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Agreeing the medium to long term vision for its future – approving school policies, plans and targets for how to achieve its vision. Checking on progress and reviewing regularly the school’s strategic framework in the light of that progress.
Hold the Headteacher to account for school performance
Support and strengthen the school leadership and hold them to account for the day to day management of the school, including the performance of pupils and staff.
Oversee school finances
Making sure their school’s money is well spent.
School governance is a mutually beneficial voluntary role - not only does it benefit the life chances of children in Nottinghamshire, but will also you governors the opportunity to use existing knowledge and skills and learn new ones which could benefit your own career. These could include team work, understanding data, thinking strategically, how to chair meetings effectively.
Time commitment
Governing bodies meet a minimum of three times per year, usually once each school term, often in the evening. Smaller groups of governors sit on committees which also meet once or twice per school term. Meetings usually last between one and two hours. Supporting papers will need to be read prior to the meeting. Governors are also expected to visit school during normal teaching hours as part of their monitoring role.
Most governors will give between 10 to 15 hours per school term to their governor duties. A governor’s term of office is normally four years, but a governor can resign at any time.
Time off for governor duties
Under employment law, employers must give employees who are school governors "reasonable time off" to carry out their duties. Employers may give time off with pay, but do not have to do so. This is for discussion between the employee and the employer.
How we support governors
Governors in Nottinghamshire can access a comprehensive governor support service to ensure they are effective in carrying out their duties. This includes the provision of tailored advice, information and support (including a telephone helpline), a professional clerking service and a programme of governor training.