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Autumn 1

Our topic for this half-term is called 'Being me in my world'.

We will learn about our feelings and emotions, our families and where we live and look a little at space. Each week we will base our learning around a different book:

  • Week 1 - The Colour Monster
  • Week 2 - I am too absolutely small for school
  • Week 3 - Elmer
  • Week 4 - What makes me a me
  • Week 5 - Will you be my friend?
  • Week 6 - The very helpful hedgehog

Will you be my friend?- Week 6

This week we have been looking at the book "Will you be my friend?" We have talked about who our friends are and why they are our friends. There were lots of different reasons why the children were friends.

What makes me a me - Week 5

This week we have used the story 'What makes me a me' to explore what makes us special and talk about our families and how they are special to us. Children have coloured pictures and talked about them. 

Elmer - Week 4

 This week we have used the story of Elmer to explore our differences and how our differences are good and make us who we are. We have also created our own Elmers using milk bottles. Have a look and thank you for all those who provided us with a milk bottle.

I am too absolutely small for school-Week 3

This week we have been looking at what it is like to start school, making friends, sharing and overcoming our anxieties. All the nursery children have settled in well and continued to build friendships through play.


 The Colour Monster -Week 2

This week we have been looking at The Colour Monster, an amazing book that explores emotions. We have coloured some monsters and linked our math work to it where we have named and sorted colours.