ipads and television
What’s the problem?
- TV takes time away from human contact, social play and interaction.
- Studies show that children who watch a lot of TV have difficulty with reading and
- have poorer social skills when they start school.
- Watching a lot of TV at a young age has been linked to attention difficulties later in
- childhood.
- TV moves very quickly (there is a change on the screen about every 6 seconds). Real
- life has a slower pace which helps children to develop their concentration skills.
- Having TV on in the background can disrupt very young children’s play.
- Less time for real life learning (e.g. sharing books, play) and interactions between
- parents and children.
- Irregular sleep schedules
- An increased risk of childhood obesity.
How can we help?
- One hour of quality screen time per day
- Work it into your routine, e.g. after lunch or dinner
- Choose programs in which characters are talking directly to your child, repeating key
- words, and there are clear links between spoken words and what is happening on
- screen
- Turn the TV off whilst your child is playing.
- Do not allow a TV in the bedroom.
- Watch TV with your child and make comments about it.
- Read with your child. Have books in the home. Visit the library often.
- Practice what you preach!