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15/11/24 - Layla - What an exceptional first week you have had in our class! You have got stuck straight in, you are showing some excellent confidence and working incredibly hard. What a great start to your time at Annesley!

8/11/24 - Sebastian - You have shown some excellent resilience in your Maths learning. You really struggled at first to understand BIDMAS, but you kept going and you are now an expert. Keep up the hard work!

4/10/24 - Keevie - You have shown great resilience this week. Although you have not found the learning this week easy, you have approached it with a positive and confident attitude.

27/9/24 - Dylan - You were very confident and ambitious with your contributions to our class discussion around editing and you made some wonderful edits to our writing.

20/9/24 - Emily - You have been an excellent friend towards your peers, and you have worked incredibly well with other members of our class.

13/9/24 - Darwin - You have shown excellent confidence by getting your hand up and getting involved. It has been great to see you take such an active role in your learning.

6/9/24 - Tate - You have returned to school with a new-found confidence in your learning, especially in Maths. Keep up the excellent attitude!