These children have impressed us by using our Archie values.....
6.9.24...Jonah is being ambitious with his work and has begun Year 2 with lots of confidence. He is enjoying his learning and mixing with his friends!
13.9.24...Joey has worked his socks off so far this term! He is wanting challenge and is rising to it. Keep this up Joey!
20.9.24...Oscar is quite a writer. He is determined to show me how good he can be in English and maths and gets his head down and gives me his best efforts. Super start Oscar!
27.9.24...Olivia has been doing so much reading at home. She is determined to make good progress this year and has made a super start. Keep this up Olivia! I can see you are finding reading easier and your confidence is growing!
4/10/24...Alfie produced an excellent description to find a missing scarecrow. He used plenty of noun phrases and extended his sentences with extra detail. I am impressed Alfie. You are ambitious!
11/10/24... Joey showed a lot of talent in cricket this week and stepped up to help some of his friends with their technique. Joey is equal!